Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Duties of A Merchant In Herman Melwille's Book "Benito Cereno"

By: Luke Sloma

The book “Benito Cereno” tells a story of a sea voyage of two captains one a Spaniard and the other an American. Both captains are merchants and make a living on trading certain goods or certain people. In the nineteenth century trading was highly efficient. Most trade occurred through the Atlantic Ocean between the Western and the Easter hemispheres. The author of “Benito Cereno” Herman Melville was born and lived in the United States in nineteenth century. When he was twenty years old he sailed out for the first time. From then on he feel in love with sailing. Many of Henry Melville’s literary works reflect on the adventures he encountered while sailing. Trade and commerce of the United Stated in the nineteenth century is partially depicted by the book “Benito Cereno” written by Herman Melville.
The ability of transportation by water was a great help for trade and the increase in economy for many countries. All kinds of transportation in the nineteenth century through bodies of water was made by large wooden ships “A very large, and, in its time, a very fine vessel…”(N. pag.2). Traveling by a ship depended on the wind. Some distances could be covered quickly with a good wind. “Cape Horn to St. Maria a distance which I myself with a good wind have sailed in a few days.”(N. pag.38)
Trading via seas and oceans was very profitable for the economy because many goods could be traded easily. “sailed from Buenos Ayres bound to Lima, with a general cargo, Paraguay Tea, and the like…and, pointed formal that parcel of negroes…”(N. pag.9). Trading not only goods but as well “…carrying Negro slaves…”(N. pag.2) was profitable. The slaves were used in many countries as a work force. They were mainly used in the United States. Negro slaves would be taken from Africa and transported to America by ships this caused a tremendous increase in slavery.
Traveling by ships through long distances in the nineteenth century had its risks. One potential risk for a merchant ship could have been being attacked by pirates. “I to be murdered here at the ends of the earth, on board a haunted pirate-ship…”(N. pag.30). Another risk could be the rebellion of slaves on board of a ship and eventually the ship being taken over by them. For a long distance travel the crew of the ship needs sufficient amount of provision. Sometimes provision runs low and in a few cases runs out in general. Than the crew is sentenced for harsh conditions and hoping for survival. “…their provisions were low; their water next to none; their lips that moment were baked.”(N. pag.4).
Henry Melville in his book “Benito Cereno” shows certain aspects of the nineteenth century trade and commerce. The importance of trade via seas and oceans was very crucial because goods could be traded from one country to another very efficiently. Also the hardships that sailors encounter on their voyages were described.

1 comment:

Econ567 said...

Wow, this story sounds really good. It seems that it was really risky traveling overseas because there were many factors to consider when preparing for a voyage. However, I believe the adventure that the two sailors had was worth it. Also, I can see how much the sailors depended on the sea to make a living through trading.
-Andrés Oropeza